Final Construction
25th October 2019 The drawers have metal sides with MDF fronts and backs. There is sufficient room to slot in a 3mm thick perspex top (shown below) with only a block and screw screwed into the drawer front to prevent the perspex being lifted.
21st October 2019 The completed model and base in place in the shipping gallery of the Williamson Museum in Birkenhead (just a drawer front missing)
19th October 2019 The completed model and glass support surround 19th October 2019
19th October 2019 Sean Morris, who assembled the drawer units and constructed the rear shelf units and glass supporting surround on the model (not shown), assembling the base unit in the Gallery on 19th October 2019
18th October 2019 Base and model complete ready for installation at the Williamson. There are 5 drawer units in the base. The base is completed with two sets of shelves behind to provide storage for the 1200 scale ship models of the collection.
16th October 2019 Sean Morris, who assembled the drawer units, and base of the model, working of the shelves behind the drawer units of the base of the model.
12th October 2019 Final buildings in place
Buildings on N side of the West Float including Cheshire Lines buildings and Gas Works. Below, the buildings of Cubbins boat-builders and next to the Penny Bridge and the bridges at the entrance of Vittoria Dock and GWR sheds
Coal bunkers next to the coal elevator with coal sidings (left) and on GWR sidings (right)
14th August 2019 – Warehouses adjacent to Grain Warehouses and silo, N bank of East Float. Roof lights, windows, chimney, doors
14th August 2019 – Cheshire Lines Warehouses on N bank of West Float inside the Cheshire Lines marshalling yard. (B1 &B2)
15th August 2019 – Warehouses on N bank of West Float opposite Mobil terminal. (C1 & C2)
16th August 2019 – Warehouse on N bank of West Float adjecent to Gas Works. Processing and loading buildings and conveyors (D1, D2 and D3)
16th August 2019 – Buildings and walls on N bank of West Float adjecent to Cubbins Boat Yard. (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6 and E7)
25th August 2019 – Coal loose storage areas GWR, LMSR & elevator and coal trucks