Sails and running rigging from 14 February 2020
27-Mar-20 Completed model
27-Mar-20 Braces and sheets on main and mizzen masts
27-Mar-20 Inner and out jibs rigged and completed
26-Mar-20 Mizzen tops’l, yard and spanker rigged and assembled
25-Mar-20 Braces from fores’ls to mainmast, forecourse sheets
25-Mar-20 Main t’gallant rigged, braced, completed
25-Mar-20 Main tops’l rigged, braced, completed
22-Mar-20 Main course fitted using temporary braces
22-Mar-20 Main sails – course, tops’l, t’gallant – attached to yards, sheets attached. Stuns’l booms prepared
22-Mar-20 Fore topsail and topgallant sails and stuns’l booms rigged and fitted
21-Mar-20 Fore course mounted, braced. Stuns’l booms fitted – no sheets
21-Mar-20 Fore yard attachments to mast, mast cap and raising pulleys
20-Mar-20 Foresail (1) marked up, attached to yard with stuns’l boom guides.
19-Mar-20 Braces to the spritsail yards and to the fore top
18-Mar-20 Sails 8 & 9, spritsails attached to spritsail yards with bindings and sheets. Sails on yards fitted to bowsprit.
14-Feb-20 Sail patterns cut out. Sails marked out cut and finished with seams etc