Construction of hull from 7 January 2020
27-Jan-20 Black and blue sections painted with first coat
27-Jan-20 Hull below waterline filled, smoothed and painted white.
26-Jan-20 Keel strengthening plates 2 bow, 2 stern and 2 midships fitted and glued
25-Jan-20 Hull marked out – blue, wood, white sections, black stripe, Wood varnished
24-Jan-20 Lower hull filled and smoothed ready for painting
21-Jan-20 Completed hull strake covering
21-Jan-20 Hawse hole gaskets fitted
21-Jan-20 Port counter strakes trimmed
21-Jan-20 Port counter strakes 1 to 6 cut, fitted, glued
21-Jan-20 Starboard counter strakes trimmed
20-Jan-20 Starboard counter strakes 1 to 6 cut, fitted, glued
20-Jan-20 Port after end strakes 1 to 13 cut, fitted, glued
18-Jan-20 Starboard after end strakes 1 to 15 cut, fitted, glued
16-Jan-20 Port strakes 3 fw’d cut, fitted, glued
16-Jan-20 Port strakes 2 fw’d (top), 2 aft (bottom) cut, fitted, glued
16-Jan-20 Port strakes 1 fw’d (top), 1 aft (bottom) cut, fitted, glued
15-Jan-20 Port fore filler final cut, shaped, glued. Tapered filler fitted
15-Jan-20 Filler strake fore cut, fitted, glued
15-Jan-20 Filler strake 2 aft cut, fitted, glued, strake after end reglued.
15-Jan-20 Filler strake 1 aft cut, fitted, glued
13-Jan-20 Lower strake -1 aft cut, fitted, glued
12-Jan-20 Lower strake -1 fw’d cut, fitted, glued
12-Jan-20 Lower strakes 3 to 6 fore cut, fitted, glued
12-Jan-20 Lower strake 0 for’d and aft port, cut, fitted, glued
11-Jan-20 Lower strake 5 full length port, cut, fitted, glued
11-Jan-20 Lower strake 4 full length port, cut, fitted, glued
10-Jan-20 Lower strake 3 full length port, cut, fitted, glued
10-Jan-20 Lower strake 2 full length port, cut, fitted, glued
9-Jan-20 Lower strake1full length port, cut, fitted, glued
8-Jan-20 Strakes 4 to 12 aft port, cut, fitted, glued
8-Jan-20 Strake -1 port, for’ard cut fitted, glued
8-Jan-20 Strake 0 port, full length cut fitted, glued
7-Jan-20 Strake 9 port, for’ard cut fitted, glued
7-Jan-20 Strakes 7 & 8 port, for’ard cut fitted, glued
7-Jan-20 Strake 6 port, for’ard cut fitted, glued