The London Final 2017 – Australia wins!
The seven finalists of the competition in London (16th May 2017) were Owen David Thomas Torrey, from Canada (“To wage war with peace”), Marcelo Martin del Campo Tena from Mexico (“The Demon on our Doorstep”) Junaid Hameed from England and Wales (“ Spoils of war”), Yunxiang Gu, China (“ Living in peace in absence of war”), Luke Macaronas, Australia (“ The Inconvenient Truth”), Tin Pui Timothy Tung from Hong Kong (“ Save your minds”), Shiandra Gooneratne from Sri Lanka, the only female finalist (“The Untold Story”).
The winner was Luke Macaronas from Australia.Unfortunately Ronett Radvánszki from Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza did not reach the overall final though she was commended by the judges for her efforts and we were proud of her participation.
The Hungary Final in Budapest 2017
Competitors in the 2017 IPSC with the winner holding the winner’s shield. The judges are on the right of the picture.
(photograph by Vass Mary from Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza)
The final took place at 1085 Budapest, Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium, Horánszky u. 11, on Friday 24th March 2017, beginning at 1.30pm. 15 finalists and 4 junior finalists took part and the standard of every competitor was very high.
The judges were Dezsényi Balázs (2013 winner), Bába Kitti Klaudia (2016 winner) and Sinead Laffan, a freelance English language teacher trainer from Limerick in the Irish Republic (Eire) but living in Budapest. The junior competition was judged by Jobbagy Ilona (former Head of OUP) and Kallai Zoltan (2014 winner).
Senior Competition:
Winner: Radvánszki Ronett (2nd 2016 and junior competitor 2015) – Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Runner Up: Király Márton, Budapest, ELTE Radnóti Gimnázium.
Third Place: Zsebi Soma Peter (Participant 2016).- III. Béla Gimnázium, Baja
The following were also competitors, all of whom performed to the very highest standards (in performance order)
Náhóczki Áron – Verseghy Ferenc Gimnázium, Szolnok
Kálmán Zalán Leó – A BGSZC Hunfalvy János Két Tanítási Nyelvû Közgazdasági és Kereskedelmi Szakgimnáziuma, Budapest
Páli Nikolett – Vörösmarty Gimnázium, Budapest
Horváth Ádám Bence – Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma, Általános Iskolája és Diákotthona
Németh-Tóth Eszter Lídia – Krúdy Gyula Két Tanítási Nyelvû Gimnázium, Gyõr
Szûts Mátyás – Szent István Gimnázium, Budapest
Kiss Veronika – Zrínyi Ilona Gimnázium és Kollégium, Nyíregyháza
Kai Gustafson – Comenius Két Tannyelvû Gimnázium, Székesfehérvár
Parditka Emese – Patrona Hungariae Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Kollégium és Alapfokú Mûvészeti Iskola, Budapest
Szaplonczay Eufémia – Szent Imre Katolikus Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Dykema Aranka Anasztázia – Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium Debrecen
Pizzo Marcello – Bolyai János Gimnázium, Kecskemét
Junior Competition:
Fehér Anna – Arany János Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Bucsku Balazs – Szent Imre Katolikus Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Langer Zsolt – NYME Bolyai János Gimnázium, Szombathely
Horváth Borbála – Verseghy Ferenc Gimnázium, Szolnok
We would like to thank Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium and Oxford University Press for their support in putting on the competition.
Thanks particularly go to Judit Borszeki for her organisation of the entries and venue. Also thanks are due to Szlaukó Tibor for his organising of the final at the school.