IPSC 2019

The English Speaking Union’s International Public Speaking Competition 2019 


Orsós Botond of Győr wins the 2019 International Public Speaking Competition Final in Hungary

After three semi-finals, two of five and one of six competitors (see below) there was a very competitive final of six students: Földvári Blanka, Kiss Fanni, Seprényi Kitti, Nyírfa Balázs, Orsós Botond and Veress Brigitta. The winner of the competition was Orsós Botond of Győri Szolgáltatási SZC Krúdy Gyula Gimnáziuma.  The runner up was Veres Brigitta of Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza. Nyíregyháza continues to provide a very strong component of the competition, a credit to the schools, teachers and students in the town. The competition judges were Henry Scullion (Irish – Toastmasters), Márton Király (IPSC Hungary winner 2018) and Sandra Fleming (Irish – former Australia competition judge).

The three semi finals were judged by Dezsényi Balázs (IPSC Hungary winner 2013), Radvánszki Ronett (IPSC Hungary winner 2017) and Bába Kitti Klaudia (IPSC Hungary winner 2016) each accompanied by a toastmaster – Henry Scullion (Irish), Jackie Das (UK) and John Gerencser (USA – resident in Hungary)

A Hungarian ICT worker Daniel Ruthner gave the keynote speech tracing his employment development through the English language, which was very well received. The Master of Ceremonies was Steve Jones assisted for the host school by Dora Foster, for the ESU by Judit Borszeki and for OUP by Jobbagy Ilona.

During the judging of the final the young speakers (see below) gave a three minute speech and the two moderators, Jobbagy Ilona and Dezsényi Balázs, gave positive feedback on their speeches, the aim being to generate confidence and improve performance in the future. They were well received by the audience who were surprised by the competence of these students of only 14 or 15 years of age.

Full Lists of semi finalists and junior competitors.

Semi-final A

Bencsik Tímea – Verseghy Ferenc Gimnázium, Szolnok

Ecsédi András – Bolyai János Gimnázium, Kecskemét

Kai Gustafson – Vajk Comenius Két Tannyelvű Gimnázium, Székesfehérvár

Orsós Botond – Győri Szolgáltatási SZC Krúdy Gyula Gimnáziuma, Két Tanítási Nyelvű Középiskolája, – Turisztikai és Vendéglátóipari Szakképző Iskolája – ultimate WINNER

Seprényi Kitti – Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza  – finalist

Takács Bálint – Magyar-Angol Tannyelvű Gimnázium, Balatonalmádi

Semi-final B

Zhu Michelle – Szent István Gimnázium, Budapest

Nemes Benedek – Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium

Földvári Blanka – Vörösmarty Gimnázium, Budapest  – finalist

Maurer Viktor – Orchidea Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Iskola Gimnáziuma, Budapest

Nyírfa Balázs – BGSZC Pestszentlőrinci Közgazdasági és informatikai Szakgimnázium, Budapest  – finalist

Semi-final C

Fehér Anna – Arany János Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza

Kis Fanni – Avas Gimnázium, Miskolc – finalist

Kövi Aliz Renáta – Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma, Általános Iskolája és Diákotthona

Nagy Adrián – Révai Miklós Gimnázium és Kollégium, Győr

Veres Brigitta – Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza – eventual RUNNER-UP


Young speakers

Horváth Richárd – Verseghy Ferenc Gimnázium, Szolnok

Frei Zsanett – Szent István Gimnázium, Budapest

Fehér Dávid – Győri Szolgáltatási SZC Krúdy Gyula Gimnáziuma, Két Tanítási Nyelvű Középiskolája, Turisztikai és Vendéglátóipari Szakképző Iskolája

Kirják Luca – Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza

Shalti Hani – Orchidea Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Iskola Gimnáziuma, Budapest

Sitku Lilána – Kölcsey Gimnázium Nyíregyháza

Haraszti Patricia – Kölcsey Gimnázium Nyíregyháza


We wish to thank also all of the ESU members here in Hungary especially Dora Foster from the host school, Ilona Jobbagy formerly from OUP and now co-ordinating with them and Judit Borszeki who has co-ordinated the entries from the schools and has maintained contact, dealing with the many enquiries and subsequent problems.

Theme for Hungary Final: A lie has speed, but truth has endurance

The theme for the UK FINAL (6 selected from 50 participants) in the UK is: “Nature is a common language”

The Organisers

The organiser of events for the International ESU in Hungary is the chairman, Steve Jones (steve@singlish.hu). Information on the ESU can be obtained on the website www.singlish.hu. The organiser to whom all entries should be sent and enquiries should be made is Judit Borszéki (borszekijudit@gmail.com). We’ll need to know about all the entries in each school to decide where we’ll need local rounds, so please keep to the deadline.

The Junior Competition

The junior competition is for those who are too young to enter the main competition. This gives an opportunity for younger speakers to practise in front of an audience with feedback in a competition situation. Prizes will be awarded. The speech will be of three minutes duration and no questions will be asked. The topic is the same as in the Main Competition.

The Main Competition

The main competition will follow the pattern of previous years i.e. a 5 minute speech (minimum length 4m 30s, maximum 5m 30s) with bell warnings at these 3 times.

Speeches are to be given without ‘props’, displays or other device (If in doubt ask the organisers in Budapest) however the speaker may use brief notes. A speech should never be read.

Prizes will be awarded and the winner will also go to the UK for the International competition in London 13-17 May 2019. The winner must be available on these dates.

The winner will spend the whole of the competition week with colleagues from the other 40 or more countries taking part. The ESU Hungary will pay the air fare and the accommodation in the hotel in London. The ESU will have several staff on duty throughout the week, to whom the participants can address any problems. Participants will need pocket money (Recommended 30 GBP per day minimum – 180 GBP total). More or less everything is provided for them during the week.

Please note that the UK exchange rate may well change significantly as the pound is falling at present.

Accompanying adults may travel and stay in the hotels used by the ESU, however, they will not be able to accompany the participants during the week. They may attend the preliminary rounds on Tuesday and the final on Friday. Otherwise they will have to occupy themselves and cover their full costs.