IPSC Hungary 2013


The final was completed at the UK Embassy on the 5th April 2013. For the winner this was his fourth attempt in the competition. The judges were Peter Fekete (Chair) and Patrick McMenamin) who were unanimous in their choice of the first three. Each winner received a book prize from Oxford University Press and medals were presented to the first three. The winner will travel to the International Final in London in May.

Thanks go to the Ambassador and Embassy staff for the use of the building and their support for the competition.

Fekete Gergely – Bolyai János, Kecskemét
Palasik Róbert – Fazekas Mihály Gimn., Budapest
Pércsi Boglárka – Fazekas Mihály Gimn., Debrecen
Hargitai Viktor – Comenius, Székesfehérvár
Máthé Anna Beáta – Kölcsey Ferenc Gimn, Nyíregyháza
Falvai Zsófia – Vörösmarty Gimn., Budapest
Birta Aliz (2nd Place) – Arany János Gimn., Nyíregyháza
Albert Orsolya – Szabó Lõrinc, Budapest
Berta Viktória (3rd Place) – Kürt Alapítványi Gimn., Budapest
Schiller Patrik – Fazekas Mihály Gimn., Budapest
Kozma Zsófia – Vörösmarty Gimn., Budapest
Dezsényi Balázs (Winner) – Oetvos Lorand University, Budapest
Csúvár Zsombor – Fazekas Mihály Gimn., Debrecen


This competition demonstrated the high quality of English speakers coming up for future competitions. The judges, Ilona Jobbagy (Chair) and Steve Jones were agreed that there was nothing to separate the first two and two runners up. Medals and book prizes were presented to all of the competitors.

Szurok Máté István – Fazekas, Budapest
Gyöngyösi Boldizsár – Krúdy, Nyíregyháza
Pham Van Vinh – Fazekas, Budapest (Winner)
Lengyel Dorka – Krúdy, Nyíregyháza
Tamás Máté – Krúdy, Nyíregyháza
Für Viola Julianna – Fazekas, Budapest (Winner)
Nyárádi Balázs Bence – Fazekas, Budapest