January Singlish events

‘SINGLISH’ at Kenyermezo u. 2/b (near Huvosvolgy va.).

‘Singlish’ evenings will continue at Steve’s flat. Kenyermezo u. 2/b (near Huvosvolgy va.) each Tuesday from 6pm to 8pm.

‘SINGLISH’ at the OUP bookshop.

The next Singlish at the OUP bookshop is on Wednesday 24th January 2018 at 3pm until 5pm. The subject is “Robert Burns and his work” and the same subject will be used for the 23rd January 2018. Scottish traditional dress is optional. You may receive emailed notes on these topics by contacting myself or Berezvai Ferenc.or by looking on the OUP website.

Please check the website here for further up-to-date information. All are welcome but please let me know if you are attending. Details in ‘Contacts’.

Attendees at the folk and discussion night on 14th June 2007.

There are regular meetings every week which are either discussions or Folk Nights. The Folk Nights are for those who are not singers but are interested in the songs and the history. Everybody is welcome to come along from 6pm to 8pm and join in or listen. Although the session lasts two hours there is no need to stay, nor to come at the beginning. There is no charge either – it’s FREE






Attendees at the folk and discussion night on 20th June 2006.

‘Singlish’ Songbooks are available for these sessions and are downloadable FREE from this site. These contain only the words of the songs but you can download recordings of many of the songs from this website too.

We also advertise other events which we think people would enjoy. By clicking on the word ‘Events’ at the top of the page you will find out about some of the other events going on.