A huge crowd at the plenary session in the main hall. More images, Budapest conference
Ben Wetz gave the two plenaries, Steve Jones did the Christmas songs and Santa Claus was on hand to assist the OUP and “Challenge” travel agency to present prizes at the end of the event.
The Robert Burns International Foundation www.rbif.org exhibited the winning entries in their 2006 Robert Burns Competition.
“Christmas Games and Quizzes” from Edmund Dudley
“100 Internet ideas for the classroom and beyond” from Prievera Tibor
“It’s Christmas Time again” from Csibi Erzsébet
“You can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man” from
“Isn’t Christmas Wonderful?” from Michael Webb
“Canadian Holidays and Festivals” from Nagy Judit & Bánhegyi Mátyás
“Classical Christmas” from Kevin Shopland
“Christmas Time is Playtime!” from Kovács Judit
“Presents from Santa’s Sack” from Szepesi Judit
“Winter and Christmas with Teenagers” from Faragó Livia
“Anything New for Christmas” from Sill?r Barbara
“miXMAS” from Kálmánné Vajda Ildikó
“The Birth of Jesus – as told in the classroom” from Ábrahám Károlyné
“Christmas Spirit” from Kelemen Ferenc (OUP)