Jobbágy Ilona opens the conference and introduces the main speakers, Peter and Karen Viney.
The initial plenary session was from Peter looking at the lower levels of language teaching. He was particularly looking at aspects of language use which were inappropriate for the level of language they were teaching and the appropriate use of pictures in general.
Kelemen Ferenc took part in each of the conferences both as organiser and presenter.
His talk concentrated on ‘Christmas Fun’ under the title ‘A mixed Bag for Christmas’ and included many examples which might brighten up an English lesson at this time of the year.
The presentations were not only for the more advanced students but also included presentations such as this one by Michael Webb entitled ‘Follow the Christmas Star to some traditional sights, smells and sounds of Christmas’. These activities were suitable for a variety of ages though they were targeted at Primary Education.
A happy group of participants after the event in Miskolc pose with Peter, Karen and the team.