Report on IPSC 2016

Photo left to right: Jobbagy Ilona (judge – juniors), Lasancz Eszter (2012 winner), Edmund Dudley (judge – seniors), Rácz Zsófia (2016 3rd), Bába Kitti Klaudia (2016 winner), Radvánszki Ronett (2016 2nd), Dezsényi Balázs (2013 winner), Kallai Zoltan (2014 winner), Birta Alíz (2015 winner).

The winner of the Hungary Final, Bába Kitti Klaudia, will spend the whole of the competition week, Monday 9th May to Saturday 14th May with colleagues from the other 40 or more countries taking part. Included in the programme is a visit to the Globe theatre, visits to theatres and other exciting venues throughout the week. The ESU HQ in London will have several staff on duty day and night, to whom the participants can address any problems.

The speech will use the topic “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any”. If she gets through to the last six, however, she will need to give a speech entitled “Integrity has no need of rules”, which can be adapted from her original speech. The semi-finals involves a speech which has to be written in 20 minutes or so before it being given – “off the cuff”. This is to show that participants are able to use the language flexibly.

She will need to cover the costs of travel in the UK and Hungary though the flight will be paid by the Chairman and accommodation and the programme in London will be paid by the ESU (London HQ). Participants will need pocket money (Recommended 25 GBP per day minimum – 125 GBP total). More or less everything else is provided for them.


The Hungarian National Final took place on Thursday 24th Mar 2016 from 12.30 to 16.30 at the British Embassy, Harmincad u., Budapest. The competition used the title “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any”’. This very successful event featured 13 finalists in the 16 to 20 year old category.

The judging panel was chaired by Ed Dudley with former winners of the competition, Lasancz Eszter (2012), Dezsényi Balázs (2013) and Kallai Zoltan (2014) making up the panel of four.

Unfortunately, this is the last time that the British Embassy will be able to host the competition as they will move to new premises in Buda this year, premises which do not have a suitable venue.

As in the last three years there was also a junior competition with six 14 to 15 year old participants.


Senior Competition:

Winner: Bába Kitti Klaudia – Hunfalvy János Külkereskedelmi, Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola, Budapest
Runner up: Radvánszki Ronett – Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Third Place: Rácz Zsófia – Bornemisza Péter Gimnázium, Budapest
Other competitors (winners of local rounds)
Klekler Réka – Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Gyõr
Zsebi Soma Péter – III. Béla Gimnázium, Baja
Medve Nóra – Arany János Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Wolf Martin – Vörösmarty Gimnázium, Budapest
Lõrincz Botond – Leõwey Klára Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola, Budapest
Kiss Kata – Verseghy Ferenc Gimnázium, Szolnok
Kócsó Barbara – Bolyai János Gimnázium, Kecskemét
Szabó Dániel – Comenius Két Tannyelvû Gimnázium, Székesfehérvár
Szaplonczay Eufémia – Szent Imre Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Moravecz Kata – Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium, Debrecen

Junior Performers: Shakespeare’s Heroes: Failures with Power!
This section was judged Ilona Jobbagy former Head of OUP in Hungary and Birta Alíz the Hungarian competition winner in 2015, but the performers were not judged, feedback being given on their performance at the end of their 3 minute speech. It was clear that the standard of these speeches would not have been out of place in the senior final.


Jánóczki Renáta – Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Megyaszai Lili – Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium, Debrecen
Olariu Jennifer* – Nyíregyházi Egyetem Eötvös József Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Horváth Ádám Bence* – Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma, Általános Iskolája és Diákotthona
Pókász Zoltán – Verseghy Ferenc Gimnázium, Szolnok
Ekler-Szabó Botond Alexander* – Életfa Általános és Mûvészeti Alapfokú Iskola, Keszthely
*awarded a distinction