Lessons will generally follow a similar format, though there will be changes from time to time depending on the material being used.
1. Introduction:
Do not give them the title. The song is sung once through and the students listen. They are asked to write down words they can identify as they listen.
2. Question-Answer session:
Listing words on the board which they identified*
3. ‘Singlish’ dictation:
Each line is sung 2 or 3 times and time is given for pupils to write down the full line. If the line is long it may be split in half. Depending on the length a verse or the chorus or both may be completed. Students are asked to guess words they cannot understand or do not know.
4. Students read lines:
Students are asked to read out a line at a time.
5. Unknown words:
Line by line the meaning is discussed, meanings of individual words are identified and written down. (Creating a vocabulary)
6. The Title:
Now is an appropriate time to get some suggestions as to the title.
7. Complete the other verses:
Now we can complete the other verses or at least some of them if it is very long and finish the vocabulary. It is useful with students to identify verbs and write down both present and past forms.
8. Finish:
Finish by singing through once again and allowing them to join in if they wish.
* Weaker students may be encouraged by being asked first and may identify the simpler words. More able or advanced pupils may be asked later and should be expected to identify more complex words or phrases.This process will develop listening skills particularly and encourages pupils to communicate in the language during the lessons. We will have discussed geographical, historical and cultural aspects too.
Additional Tasks:
Having completed the ‘Singlish’ aspects of the material, students should be set some basic tasks.
They should discuss:
1. The use of the internet (and misuse)
2. The value of material obtained from the internet compared to that from books
3. The verification of ‘facts’ obtained from the internet
4. The use of quotes from sources and paraphrasing
5. Illustrating a project