OUP Christmas Conference 2006, Szeged

At Bartók Béla Művelődési Központ on 4th December 2006

Ben Wetz, writer of the Adventures Series, once again presented the plenary sessions, particularly focusing on motivation in the classroom.

These confidence giving talks were very well received and he was able to get over to his audience the way the writer has to think and the way teachers need to use what he writes.




‘Practical Christmas’ demonstrated by Herédiné Szűcs Ildikó was a most unusual addition to the Szeged conference. Although not associated with language it was an excellent contribution to the spirit of Christmas. It was certainly very well appreciated by the participants.




Santa Claus, alias Steve Jones was also able to appear in person and much appreciated were the US Christmas activities from Tim Frey (Ideas for Christmas Classes), Niemi Mária with more Christmas activities and Kelemen Ferenc with a touch of the ‘Christmas Spirit’.

Pictures from the Szeged conference