Berta Aliz the winner of the Hungary Final won through into the semi finals (18 out of the 50 participating) and narrowly missed being selected for the final (6 finalists). For the last two years our entrants have reached the semi finals, something which they had not been able to do since our participation began in 2003.
The competition used the title ‘“Culture is not a Luxury, But a Necessity’’.
The competitors in the Senior Competition with the judges and chairman.
The final in Hungary at the British Embassy on Friday, 27th March 2015. began at 1pm. A very successful event featured 12 finalists in the 16 to 20 year old category and 6 students in the 14 to 15 year old group. The
The judging panel was chaired by Ilona Jobbagy with former winners of the competition, Lasancz Eszter (2012) and Kallay Zoltan (2014) making up the panel of three.
Senior Competition:
Winner: Birta Alíz, Arany János Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Runner up: Szente Nikolette, Hunfalvy János K, K Sz.iskola, Budapest
Third Place: Rácz Zsófia, Bornemisza Péter Gimnázium, Budapest
Other competitors:
Imolya Réka, Baár-Madas Gimnázium, Budapest
Lõrincz Botond, Leõwey Klára Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola, Budapest
Tóth Katalin, Verseghy Ferenc Gimnázium, Szolnok
Kovács Ákos, Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium, Debrecen
Völgyes János Bendegúz, Vörösmarty Gimnázium, Budapest
Nagy Sebestyén, III. Béla Gimnázium, Baja
Pál Gergely, PTE Babits Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola, Pécs
Timár Noémi, Krudy Gyula Gimnázium, Gyõr
Csoknyay Zoltán, Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Csapó Péter, Comenius Két Tannyelvû Gimnázium, Székesfehérvár
Junior Performers: This section was not judged but the performers were interviewed before the start of their performance and then gave their 3 minute speeches. It is clear that there are some excellent competitors for next year’s competition as the standard of these speeches would not have been out of place in the senior final.
* Patterson Jázmin, Baár-Madas Gimnázium, Budapest
* Horváth Kristóf , Hunfalvy János K K Szakközépiskola, Budapest
* Gaál Benedek, Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
* Gyügyi Martin, Comenius, Két Tannyelvû Gimnázium, Székesfehérvár
* Boér Dorottya, Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
* Radvánszki Ronett, Krúdy Gyula Gimnázium, Nyíregyháza
Special Award:
A special award was made to VASS Maria from Nyiregyhaza for her continued support of the competition and specifically for the IPSC in Hungary.
The International Final in London, 15th May 2015
The IPSC is part of a five-day programme of events, including public speaking, debating and performance workshops, educational and cultural excursions, and a two-day public speaking competition.
As part of the five-day programme, participants receive training in public speaking and debating skills from world class ESU mentors at Dartmouth
House. The training sessions are geared towards the competition. Training in expression, delivery, listening and response skills are designed to improve the
participants’ delivery of their prepared speeches and their ability to listen and respond to questions. Training in organisation and prioritisation of arguments,
reasoning and analysis, as well as critical thinking skills are designed to improve the participants’ ability to write and deliver an impromptu speech.
In addition, participants receive training at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London. The Globe workshops are delivered by experts in drama, theatre and performance, and are also designed to enhance the participants’ expressive and persuasive abilities, as well as their improvisation skills and their